About Vira C. Arman

just before exit from Musée du Louvre 😀

Welcome to Viracanya’s e-diary. This blog written by Indonesian young woman living in Den Haag, The Netherlands, Vira Cania Arman. She is currently a master student at VU Amsterdam.  She is a former Central Banker and Business Consultant. She loves traveling, blogging and vlogging during her spare time.

you can reach her by e-mail: viracaniaarman@gmail.com or via Instagram: @vira_arman


68 thoughts on “About Vira C. Arman

  1. try juandha says:

    dear kak Vira

    yeah, it is kinda awkward that I suddenly email you, but i just would like to say thanks so much for writing your daily thingies on viracanya.wordpress.com. You have amazing blog there, and especially inspiring me so much. Briefly i tell you, when I was in 3rd grade of high school, that time was so hard for me to make up my mind and choose what university i should take and what department i should major.

    I read through your amazing blog, and sent me to a conclusion that I WANNA BE PART of SBM-ITB

    now, I accepted as Calon Maba SBM ITB 2011 through SNMPT Undangan. hope to see you soon, and I do really need your guidance to accomplish and achieve more there.

    keep write your FABULOUS Stories…

    best regards

    mobile: 08525 5351 771

    • Vira Arman says:

      Hi Juandha.. it’s really nice to meet you in here! and I’m so proud of you that soon you’ll be part of SBM’s family. yeiiy! 😀

      Unfortunately, next semester (that will be you 1st semester) I’m going to Netherlands for about 6 months because i joined SBM’s exchange program . I’m afraid we can’t meet each other soon hhuhuhu

      but, if you need any tips and trick or sharing about something please let me know.. i’ll help you as much as i can do. and i’ll keep inform you by this blog.

      Thanks for visiting my blog,

      Kind regards,

      Vira C. Arman.

  2. Shirazy says:

    Hi Vira,

    Nice blog :).

    It is funny to realize that people younger than me, especially at your age are so motivated, that can actually cure other people who probably lost somewhere in their live. Your writing remind me to few years ago (*cough* teenager life), which since then, every time I feel lost in live, I’ll make sure to read others story which full of motivation, and in a very short time I’ll gain the good spirit to challenge life again.

    Keep writing ya. Putting your blog in my fave feeds and looking forwards to more motivating story ;).


    • Vira Arman says:

      Hi Shirazy! thank for coming to this blog 🙂

      first, when i made this blog i just want to share my thoughts, and life experiences actually.. hehehe

      thanks again, really nice to know you 🙂

    • Vira Arman says:

      hhehehe thanks a bunch uchy..
      masi inget dong temen Playgroup-TK-SD-SMP kuu 😀

      amin..amin.. the same hope for you too! sukses kuliahnya yaa..

  3. Salma Dliya says:

    Salam kenal ka 🙂
    seneng deh nemu blog ini, lagi searching tentang SBM ITB eh nyasar kesini..
    aku masih SMA kak, kepengen masuk SBM ITB juga. tapi aku liat kayanya pada pinter2 banget ya disana, masuknya susah ya kak. dulu ka vira pake SNMPTN tertulis ato undangan?

    • Vira Arman says:

      hehehe gak susah kok, asal niat, banyak berdoa dan belajar yang rajin 🙂 dulu masuk SBM belum ada di jalur SNMPTN.. masih pake Ujian Saringan Masuk (USM) ITB Terpusat. 🙂

      good luck yaaa! smoga cepet bisa gabung di kluarga SBM ITB.

      • Salma Dliya says:

        hehee, amiin 🙂 moga bisa masuk sana deh..
        iya kaak, tapi belajar rajinnya itu yg susah wkw
        oya denger2 harus anak ipa ya yang bisa masuk SBM ITB ?

      • Vira Arman says:

        hehehe yang penting niat dan usaha dulu yaah.. insya Allah berbanding lurus dengan hasil. ngga’ harus kok, malah di SNMPTN skrg masuk kelompok IPS. peluang keterimanya sama, cuma mungkin banyak anak IPA yang keterima karena pemahaman mereka thd matematika dasar yang lebih mendalam. kuncinya cuma berusaha dan berdoa 🙂 optimis!

  4. justfrieza says:

    hey Vira,

    I enjoyed reading your blog. Kita seumur juga, and have pretty much a same vision for the future. At some points, I think we are alike. Hahaha. I browse through your blogs and found my temen SD, Dhira Dwijayanti. Dudeeeee, such a small world!
    Kebetulan aku baru lulus s1 and Insya Allah mau lanjut di Groni, while I was browsing tentang life in groni di google, Eh! nyampe kesini deh 🙂
    keep on writing ya! We’d love to hear more stories.

    Warm regards,

    • Vira Arman says:

      Halo Friezaaaa 😀

      kmren aku nanya ke Dhira hahaha beneran temen SD yaa! dunia super sempit, atau pertemanan kita yang luas yaa? haha
      waaa..congrats 4 your graduation. Aaaasik banget bakal ngelanjutin ke Gronie..rencana ngambil apa? *ikuuut dong hehe! smoga bisa balik ke holland lagi secepatnya haha*
      anyway, smoga lancar smuanya yaa! feel free too ask anything 🙂



      • justfrieza says:

        iya, it’s crazy in such an amazing way :p
        Iya, offer letternya udah keluar sih.. Aku ngambil master in international communication. First semesternya di Leeds trus 2nd and 3rd nya baru di Groni, Hanze University. Ntar nyusul dooooong buat s2 nya! Ihiy!
        Thank youuuuu sebenernya mau nanya soal housing sih, tapi maybe it won’t be necessary now soalnya mulai di Groni Februari taun depan, tapi udah nggak tahan aja gitu soalnya baca di blogmu kayaknya seru banget! Thanks for the offer ya, hope to see you sometime soon in Holland.


      • Vira Arman says:

        hoo di Hanzehogeschool yaa?
        kalo kuliahnya di Zernike, bakal satu kompleks sama anak2 RUG 😀
        AMIIIINNNN.. master degree is my mid-term plan, wanna get experience working in a company, first hehehe

        might you wanna check housingoffice.nl ? an official website that organize housing for new students. anyway, it’s better early than late. 😛

        tot zo!

  5. justfrieza says:

    iya Hanzehogeschool 🙂
    udah aku check vir, kayaknya first choice Orange House deh, soalnya males kalo musti share kamar mandi kan.. semoga dapet ya Allah. Yang 2nd choice mungkin winschoterdiep. All the best vir for everything you do, semoga sukses mencapai cita! 🙂


  6. Rachel says:

    hey nice blog 🙂
    mau tanya gmn si cara biar bisa kuliah ke belanda beasiswa atau non beasiswa?
    soalnya w juga ad rencana mau kesana juga sih buat kuliah hehehe
    makasih ya 🙂

  7. Zee Hamzah says:

    Awalnya googling karena nyasar di rotterdam mau balik ke utrecht. Pas dibaca keseluruhan perjalanannya akhirnya bikin to do list buat trip yang sama 🙂 that was amazing, anyway. Thanks for kinda sharing, glad to know you 🙂


  8. TayadiH says:

    hello there,, searching tag Bandung, dan ooolah ketemu blog kamu,, dan ngubeg2 posting nya dan big WOW,, such an amazing story of life.. i mean u visit a lot of place that I wanna go too..

  9. Okampung says:

    Amazing trip and Salut for upload “completely representative” photos… brief and bright comment… Someday, I hope my DReam come TRue to “pilgrimage” all Europe’s “exotic” sites and hhhmmm…..will make SURPrise!

  10. tulisanpena03 says:

    Kalo Vira
    Mau nanya saya mahasiswa dari kampus swasta yang tidak terkenal apakah ada kesempatan buat dapetin beasiswa LPDP?

    Tolong jawaban nya

  11. Dikaa says:

    Kak saya rencananya tahun ini mau masuk kuliah swasta dan masuk sore/malam , dan sekarang saya mikir , kalau kuliah malam bisa nggak ya ikutan beasiswa LPDP/ beasiswa yang lain setelah lulus nanti . 😔

  12. Putri Amaliani says:

    I like your blog… Makasih banyak kak udah mau berbagi ilmu melalui blog ini yang membuat saya terinspirasi untuk tetap semangat.

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